1st - 14th Sept 2010


ON=Over night, B & B=Breakfast
Wednesday 1st: Arrive Athens and transfer to hotel. Rest, wander, connect up with group and recover after travel. ON Athens (B)

Thursday 2nd: Transfer from hotel to Athens port to go to Myconos by ferry.Transfer from ferry to hotel in Myconos.

Mykonos is a lively cosmopolitan island with magnificent beaches, chic boutiques and charming villages. It is also the nearest port from which we can visit the Sacred Island of Delos. Mykoniots claim that exactly 365 churches and chapels stand on the island, one for each day of the year. ON Myconos (B)

Friday 3rd: Day trip with locally sourced public tour operator to Delos, Greece’s most sacred island and mythical birthplace of Apollo and Artemis where we will visit the Temple of Apollo. The island of Delos and Delphi are on both noted to be on the St Michael Ley- line which flows through from Mont Carmel in Israel.(ref www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk) ON Myconos (B)

Saturday 4th: Transfer from hotel to Myconos port to take the ferry to Santorini and transfer to hotel. Santorini is a fascinating island considered by mystics to be part of the legendary great Atlantis. Doreen Virtue writes about this in her excellent book Angel Medicine. Now we can slow down and relax with special group times for meditations as we “bathe in the light”.

During our time on Santorini, we will join either a full day tour or two half day tours depending on what appears best when we get there. I will source a local public tour operator and book directly whilst in Santorini.

With four nights on the island we will have plenty of time to explore, swim and of course gaze in awe at what some describe as the most breath taking sunsets in the world! Black sand beaches, amazing views, stunning water, striking colours and white-washed villages create a spectacular vibe!

“It has been said that sunsets in Santorini are the best in the world. From the Caldera, breath taking views of the volcano & neighbouring islands. From the east, miles of dark sandy or pebbled beaches. Everywhere one sees small domed churches and remnants of days gone by…..” ON Santorini (B)

Sunday 5th: Santorini .ON Santorini (B)

Monday 6th: Santorini ON Santorini (B)

Tuesday 7th: Santorini ON Santorini (B)

Wednesday 8th: Transfer from hotel to Santorini port where will take the ferry from Santorini back to Athens. Transfer from Athens port to hotel. ON Athens (B)


Thursday 9th: After breakfast, depart for a half day Athens city tour which will introduce some important sites of the city. Tour will include an overview of modern Athens – a striking contrast to the remains of its glorious past. Explore ancient Athens and visit the famous Acropolis dedicated to Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, the Parthenon - an open-air museum, Temple of Zeus, The Erechtheion with its Porch of Maidens.

Depart Athens and drive to Meteora in Thessaly Central Greece(5.5 hrs drive). Stay at the base of the amazing mountains in Kalambaka at Kastraki. ON Kastraki (B)

Friday 10th: After breakfast we view Meteora’s breathtaking monasteries perched like eagle’s eyries atop rocky pinnacles. The Meteora monasteries are one of the most striking sights in Greece. The sandstone peaks were first inhabited by Byzantine hermits in the 11th century, who clambered up the rocks to be alone with God. The name Meteora is Greek for "suspended in the air," a perfect description for these remarkable Greek Orthodox monasteries of which we will visit two.
*Please note a strict dress code is enforced when visiting the monasteries: all shoulders must be covered, men must wear long trousers and women must wear long skirts/dresses.


This afternoon we drive on to mythical magical Delphi (4.15 hrs). Nestled amidst pine forests and rocky crags on the holy mountain of Parnassus, Delphi is considered the most beautiful ancient site in Greece. During our time at Delphi we will “move to the rhythm of our own drum”. We will walk the Sacred Way to the Sanctuary of Apollo, pay homage at the Sanctuary of Athena and visit the Museum. The Castalia Springs where visitors once purified themselves before entering the sanctuary should be a special stopping place for us, and of course the Oracle Rock…imbued with the mysteries of clairvoyance and earth energies, this is a very sacred spot. The first oracle at Delphi was commonly known as Sibyl, meaning prophetess. According to legend, she sang her predictions, which she received from Gaia. Delphi and the island of Delos are on both noted to be on the St Michael/Dragon Sun Ley- line which flows through from Mont Carmel in Israel. (ref www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk) ON Delphi (B)

“For the ancient Greeks, Delphi was quite literally the centre of the world: Zeus released two eagles from opposite ends of the earth and they met in the sky above Delphi. Impaling one another with their beaks, they fell to the ground on the very centre of the world. The site was marked by the sacred Omphalos, or "navel stone “. Located at the navel of the world and personally blessed by Apollo, Delphi was the holiest site in the world for the ancient Greeks”.

According to ancient legends, the site was originally a sacred place of the Earth goddess Gaia. Later legends involve Apollo (son of Zeus) battling with a snake for the site. He persuaded Pan (the goat-god of wild places and evocative music) to reveal to him the art of prophecy, and erected his own oracular temple. In the 7th century BC, Delphi was known as an oracular shrine. Women would first bathe in the waters of the nearby sacred Castalian spring. Next they would drink from the sacred Kassotis spring and then, sitting in meditation near the Omphalos stone, they would enter into a visionary trance state. Throughout history, the particular energy of the site had been recognised as inducing prophetic visions. Questions regarding the future would be asked of these women "communing with the oracle". The answers, interpreted by male priests and then spoken in verse, proved so accurate that the Delphic oracle came to exercise enormous political and social influence in the Greek empire for nearly 1000 years. The arrival of Christianity signalled the death of the ancient Greek oracle shrines and Delphi was abandoned to the elements.

Saturday 11th: Delphi visit all day. ON Delphi (B)

Sunday 12th: Early morning visit to Delphi (or we could take a side trip to the Krya Springs of Remembrance. Distance from Delphi to Livadeia/Krya is about 55 minutes/41km each way).


Now we drive to Epidavros arriving around 4pm (travel time approx 5hrs including 40min ferry ride). Here we will visit the most advanced Centre of Healing in the ancient world, the Sanctuary of Asclepius.
This is also the site of one of the most perfect and well-preserved theatres in Greece. Although it was built in the 4th century BC, the acoustics are so ideal; you can stand in the centre of the arena, speak in a normal voice, and be heard by someone at the very top of the theatre, some 190 feet up!

Asclepius pictured above, is the son of Apollo. Asclepius is the god of medicine and healing in ancient Greek religion. Asclepius represents the healing aspect of the medical arts; his daughters are Hygieia ("Health"), Iaso ("Medicine"), Aceso ("Healing"), Aglaga ("Healthy Glow"), and Panacea ("Universal Remedy"). The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, remains a symbol of medicine today, although sometimes the caduceus or staff with two snakes is mistakenly used instead.



Driving 45mins from Epidavros, we come upon Nafplio,a city of Venetian fortresses with an ancient harbour, restaurants and cafes. A tranquil place for us to relax, shop, eat and wander. Nafplio is one of Greece’s prettiest towns and was the first capital of Greece after independence. Narrow streets, neoclassical mansions and Venetian houses are what characterize Nafplio, along with its three fortresses including Palamidi Fortress with the alleged 999 steps that lead to its entrance. ON Nafplio (B)

Monday 13th: Breakfast and time for a leisurely stroll around Napflio. Return to Athens (2hr.15 drive). Later in the day we head off for a magnificent final sunset tour to Cape Sounion and the awesome Temple of Poseidon. Though his famous statue is long gone to the National Archeological Museum in Athens, the great god Poseidon needs no bronze props to make his presence felt. The Greeks have always watched the sea, for the return of loved ones, for the safe delivery of goods, for news of war. Maybe that's why the Temple of Poseidon, with its magnificent view of the Aegean, seems to still fulfil the role of sea watcher and guardian from on high. ON Athens (B)

Tuesday 14th: Transfers to Athens airport.


Your Greece facilitators, Anna Filliol and Karen McConnell



Anna Filliol – trip organiser
Anna offers her services as a spiritual guide at sacred sites. She has travelled extensively and is passionate about making sacred journeys and having fun! Anna may help you access the mystical aspects of your journey and lead you into “deep connected spaces” via guided meditations and her highly tuned intuition.


Karen McConnell
Karen is an exceptional anchor for light frequencies. Her meditations are perfect to assist groups with grounding energy. She led the Heart Temples tour to Peru in 2008.






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