• I've been to Anna's Meditation, 'Life Focus Session, 'Develop your Intuition' class, and also had her Feng Shui advice. Anna is amazing!
  • I'm (and you'll be) surprised how much more positive and better
    life is after
    knowing her.

About Anna FilliolAnna Filliol

Anna is a gifted and highly intuitive spiritual channel, meditation specialist and sacred site guide.


She runs various courses including: Develop Your Intuition, Cosmic Christ Consciousness Activation, Keys to Inner Peace, Meditation classes. She is available for one on one Divine Self sessions.

Anna’s special ability is to make the unseen world available to her client’s in a practical, earthy and fun way.

Due to a mystical experience she received in her early twenties, her faith in the Creator is unwavering and this shines through her work in all aspects. Anna’s driving force is her heartfelt desire to help raise consciousness and spiritual awareness on the planet.

“I like to think of myself as a guide that takes you to some amazing doorways of the universe and helps you to discover the tools and confidence so you can step through those doorways.....and grow.”

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